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Last Seen: 3 hours ago
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Amunet Subscribe

  • 1644 Reviews
14666 Followers 8079 Likes
Last Seen: 3 hours ago

(Worship of the language) In the beginning was heaven, earth and silence, and from silence came non-verbal language, then oral language, from speech was born the word, from the word the verb, and from the verb the pleasure of the text. The figure of speech that seduces, licks and sucks. I want your naked body. I want your flesh devoid of hiding. I want to quench the thirst of your liquid. I want to starve your subject. I want to light my cigarette in the fire of your bowels. I want to get drunk on your lust. I want to take a drink from your lips. I want to drown myself in your kisses. I want to mark your breasts with my mouth. I want to suffocate on your thighs. I want my libidinous map from your legs. I want to wake up with your tongue like my alarm clock. I want to fall asleep from your sway like a blues. I want to sin from your sin. I want the blessing of your small and large lips. I want to kneel before your profanities and ask for penance. I want the vulgar from your moan. I want from your word the immoral. I want from your verb the illicit. I want from your pleasure what is most sordid and libertine in language. And, if by chance, you are absent: I want the joy to be poured out in your honor.

Your heart needs to be on fire to keep your dreams warm. Write to those you love, and if you are insulted, recite swear words. Taking care of others doesn't mean not taking care of yourself. Life is yours, ruin it as you wish, just don't bleed on your neighbor. ``Be strong`` and remember that this sentence does not mean that you should accept being beaten every day. Understand that when everything goes wrong, you will be alone! When you're making plans, don't forget to let your feet know, they're the ones who will walk for you. When I didn't have something nice to say, shut up. Above all, remember that sunny days are beautiful, but there is beauty in cloudy days!

When you think about buying a work of art, do you understand that you need to live up to it? I mean, imagine a painting in your house, that painting was deposited the best of this life. All knowledge, sweetness, daring, beauty.. Its creator deposited in this work. There is a story in it. Can you imagine something like this, in the middle of a mess, in the middle of chaos, in the middle of a house where you are not yet ready to receive something like this? I heard around that our body and our mind is our temple. Curious! If in fact this is true, why aren't you preparing and trying to live up to a possible purchase of a work of art? Organizing your temple, your ideas, your vision of the future and tidying your vision of the past.. I also heard, what an opportunity in the art world, it appears once and never again! If I were you, I would try to run.

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