You taste like cinnamon, that's what I think! And look, how I wish I liked cinnamon. I don't know, it smells so good, it looks so good. The problem is in the touch of my mouth... You have the perfect taste to make me like you, just not strong enough to make me question the past, you are the mixture of the right flavor with a hint of the wrong one! I know you would make me choose to stay, I just don't know if I would have the same choice. How I wish I liked cinnamon... I wish I hadn't spent all my lucky coins, I wish I hadn't refused to try other flavors, because now you have other flavors that are perfect for anyone who tries them, just not for me! And people like you show up at just the wrong moment, offering a love so comfortable that it makes people like me uncomfortable. I give you a thousand reasons to leave, you packed your bags and went, and I already anticipated your steps before I even let you in. And whoever was here before took the key, understand me. I forgot to organize what was left behind and it got mixed up in the mess... I understand that it's a lot of mess for you, it's just that I'm a writer and I hate things that resemble me, BUT, if I could, I would choose you a thousand times. once! It would be enough times to make my heart get used to the taste of cinnamon, I really wanted to like cinnamon... Not that you aren't enough to break my barriers, it's just that there are too many barriers and even though I know you my heart still Your taste is strange. I can't keep you waiting... Can I ask you for something? If it's not a bother to stay... I dare to like cinnamon.

Sith-Darkos Cinnamon has aroma, flavor and medicinal and nutritional properties. Therefore, its quality depends on manipulated variables, such as soil fertility, harvesting and pruning. However, biologically, cinnamon is nothing more than the bark of a type of tree.