It's curious, isn't it? How the vibrational waves of sound can touch our emotions so deeply... Some theories relate higher vibration frequencies (with more high notes) with emotions generally of joy and euphoria and lower vibration frequencies (grave) with a more intense feeling. intimate, reflective or sometimes melancholic. We can even have an example of this in nature, when we hear the high-pitched song of a bird and feel joy, vivacity or when we hear a storm with thunder and feel calmer and more reflective. We could even think that this association is just cultural or unconscious, acquired by the environment. However, have you ever stopped to think that when we are happy we feel more "accelerated", electric, intense, expansive, could I say "sharp"? Or when we are sad, reflective or just calm, do we feel more "slow", low energy, "grave"? Anyway, all of this is just a reflection and the source is voices in my head hahah, but I would like to make a provocation by recommending 2 songs to you, which I really like and just tell me if it makes any sense for you to think of the first one as more cheerful and in the second as more somber: 1-Eine kleine Nachtmusik by Mozart 2- Gnossienne No1 by Erik Satie. Of course, what makes all of this more incredible are the nuances between these two extremes and the complexity of tones between them, the variability of emotions that music can awaken in us. Anyway, if you've read this far, thank you for your time and for letting me share a little of my reflections with you. Have an amazing day! 🌹🥰

JBNA37 Music is the breath of God speaking to people's souls, you musicians are the ones who come closest to God and hear his voice, and why not say that you give life to God's ******.