My Lady, who I always desired and thought existed only in dreams, I am so proud to be your possession and to be in my condition that every man should be, because I believe in female supremacy in a natural way, I am inferior and I love this unconditionally from those who accepted me and I am free before your guide. Yours spontaneously, I chose to have your collar and leave the emptiness that I no longer feel with your presence in my life.
Even though it is redundant due to my inferior condition, I declare myself under the ownership and possession of The Dream, which took me out of isolation and emptiness, I am full in this way and thus I become in my life as I always wanted and dreamed, which now becomes more than that, whoever is submissive in soul chooses who to surrender to, and thus I commit myself and be faithful before its possession and polishing of my essence that was without direction. Every man should have this posture, but few have this privilege to finish their search and assume that they were born to be proud of their position before the female supremacy that I feel and there is no turning back in my life.