Lorie Subscribe

  • 727 Reviews
20045 Followers 48661 Likes
Last Seen: September 9, 2024
Lorie Offline Last Seen: September 9, 2024

Lorie Subscribe

  • 727 Reviews
20045 Followers 48661 Likes
Last Seen: September 9, 2024

It is through this brief outburst that I would like to express my GRATITUDE! There were more than 5 years of stories to tell, unexpected connections, incredible achievements, but above all, A LOT of dedication and work. And it's because I lived everything so intensely that today I can end this cycle with the feeling of duty accomplished... But don't worry, this is NOT a farewell, it's just a message to all those who were part of this story. The Lorie you knew as a professional cam girl will now just be Lorie! Just like when I started, this space is once again my favorite HOBBY and no longer a job, nor an obligation. I will be 101% dedicated to my personal life, my studies, dreams and career off camera, therefore, my time here will become even more VALUABLE and I will give priority to dear users I already know or pre-scheduled meetings. Remembering: This will be my refuge, my escape from reality, I will not hesitate to SELECT who I will share these moments with! I prioritize light, spontaneous and fun meetings, at any sign of hostile/invasive/disrespectful behavior, the block will be inevitable. Furthermore, I am immensely happy to share another phase of my life and many more incredible stories to tell, see you in chat! 💋💕

Psst, if you made it this far, I'm very happy, you will be my special guest. And as a good hostess, I came to record some crucial tips/alerts so that our meeting is above average... 💋 ✓ EDUCATION and KNIGHT never go out of style, so always remember to be kind when approaching, I just reciprocate what I get; ✓ GOOD SENSE here is non-negotiable! Use the free chat to relax, introduce yourself and answer questions. Bullshit, unreasonable requests, invasive or disrespectful questions and comments will have zero tolerance; ✓ READ PROFILE before inviting me to chat. It may seem like "bullshit", but it is through this simple step that we manage to align expectations, unite common tastes and avoid misunderstandings. If you don't have the time or interest to build a minimum of affinity and connection, I kindly ask you to look for another room; ✓ I am NOT here to serve you! If you think that your credits have the power to buy my obedience, as if I were a puppet with no personality and no will of my own, you are absolutely wrong. My comfort and pleasure are just as important as yours. The objective here (as described in the profile) is to cultivate genuine and true exchanges, not to massage egos; ✓ Last but not least... HURRY and PREDICTION are enemies number 1 of horny! Nothing is more boring than someone with no conversation, no time and no creativity. Remember, I'm not a circus clown to entertain you, if you don't make the MINIMUM of effort to be a pleasant company, you won't conquer anything but my boredom lol ❤️

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