It is through this brief outburst that I would like to express my GRATITUDE! There were more than 5 years of stories to tell, unexpected connections, incredible achievements, but above all, A LOT of dedication and work. And it's because I lived everything so intensely that today I can end this cycle with the feeling of duty accomplished... But don't worry, this is NOT a farewell, it's just a message to all those who were part of this story. The Lorie you knew as a professional cam girl will now just be Lorie! Just like when I started, this space is once again my favorite HOBBY and no longer a job, nor an obligation. I will be 101% dedicated to my personal life, my studies, dreams and career off camera, therefore, my time here will become even more VALUABLE and I will give priority to dear users I already know or pre-scheduled meetings. Remembering: This will be my refuge, my escape from reality, I will not hesitate to SELECT who I will share these moments with! I prioritize light, spontaneous and fun meetings, at any sign of hostile/invasive/disrespectful behavior, the block will be inevitable. Furthermore, I am immensely happy to share another phase of my life and many more incredible stories to tell, see you in chat! 💋💕