The submission these days to MY see... Each day that passes I am amazed at those who call themselves servants search here. Note that most are watching a lot of fetish/bdsm farm porn as well as many who call themselves "dommes" (cough cough) are applying the same. People are good, on my road that is not short (13 years as a prodomme and 20 in BDSM), servitude has absolutely nothing to do with a Queen serving you. Help me! Here subs call dommes a bitch and still make her go 4. Wait, role reversal between top and bottom, is that right? This is why I ask so much before accepting to do a session with qq garbage here from privê. And when I say rubbish, it's not the real servants, it's the filthy ones without knowledge. Anyway, you want a sexting, an erotic domination, DON'T SAY THAT'S SUB YOUR SHIT. Do you know when you will conquer the nudity of a Queen who knows her proper place and honors her throne? When you are an alpha worthy of it and above all a lord. Do not confuse domination with the degradation of women. Shame on you... tsc tsc Have a nice day! #fetish

O-Rustico 🙈exclusively yours! Only then would I be able to understand why your look gives me chills every time I pass here (almost all day🙈)