Rainha Matrisse Offline Send a message Notify me when online Report Cancel The spitting truth about me! #domme 1 26 likes 10/25/2020 Publish O-Rustico You know how much I want it, in fact, it's what I want most right now, but at the moment I really can't. It's a heavy heart to say this and it's even strange to say it like that, but I think it's good for my heart to stay that way🙈 04/21/2024 marinho-ayala Oops! I'm on the right path then. 01/10/2024 decurioso85 I identified.... 07/20/2021 servodedicado Great 07/17/2021 gustavo21-2020 I am yours, Queen! Forgive me for being away. I have not put credits ... just that. As soon as possible, return. Honored with contact. 10/25/2020
O-Rustico You know how much I want it, in fact, it's what I want most right now, but at the moment I really can't. It's a heavy heart to say this and it's even strange to say it like that, but I think it's good for my heart to stay that way🙈