Please, before you call me to chat, read carefully. Your social class, your skin color, your popularity, your position at work, or how much money you have... will make no difference in how I will treat you, as long as you treat me well, you will be repaid in the same way, I just wanted to remind those who do not understand that this is my job, and each model works as they see fit, you may be able to see me naked with a few credits... as well as with a lot of credits, or... with neither. My price is not in the amount you pay or recharge to talk to me, but in the way I am treated, or how in some way... you can make me feel at ease... if you are in a hurry to see me, win me over! Don't ask me how, find out.

MossyBoy When you look at this beautiful girl you may have the impression she is high maintenance. This could not be further from the truth of who she is. She is genuine and real, so she should be treated with manners and respect. She is MY Princess.