ago12dEvaluating as a music critic: Banda Eng Safada really knows how to put on a show. The hit "Poxa, que Coxa" already wins over the public with the verse "I'm thick, yes, accept it". The band is so captivating that many men in the audience said they didn't spend much, but left the show hard. The song "Apertada " talks about those situations where we think we will never get into a place we would really like. The vocalist has a sweet face, but during the show she ends up swallowing the whole band. The band was accused of plagiarizing the composer Sérgio Affonso, who declared : "Unfortunately, no one sucked any of my work." The band covers topics like dental floss, of course) and is a big hit with the public. join the band for real.
Rumors say that the composer Sérgio is behind all the shows, managing the shows with mastery, a great artist! ago12d