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Last Seen: 11 hours ago

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  • 32 Reviews
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Last Seen: 11 hours ago

What do the goddesses want? What do erected mortal men seek at altars? What are its mysteries and what careful secrets do they reveal to those who are worthy about the nature of eternity? We will never know, nor will we enter the Olympus in which they rest. However, we are enchanted by its sweet and indecipherable riddles. In its forms, lie the mathematical proportions that translate the essence of beauty; in your gaze, windows that, like stars, open towards infinity; and in your laughter, the eternal light that pours from the galaxies. Like Demeter, who, upon Persephone's return, awakens spring, so too, with the immortal seduction of Venus, awakens in me a deep enchantment and the most profuse desires. I dare to want to touch her and, in a dream, I feel her presence racing my blood. I desire it and I feel my body enveloped in numinous ecstasy, far from Tartarus and close to Elysium. In her mythical presence, the feminine beauty of immortality is revealed.

Amongst so many mortals taught me and enchanted me, would this be possible? Or will I become part of it all. Your admiration has made me more human, I desire more and I want more this riddle is with you!.
