Chanelzinha D Subscribe

  • 128 Reviews
3329 Followers 858 Likes
Last Seen: January 30, 2025
Chanelzinha D Offline
Last Seen: January 30, 2025

Chanelzinha D Subscribe

  • 128 Reviews
3329 Followers 858 Likes
Last Seen: January 30, 2025


Chanel is, was, and always will be the best person on this site. Chanel has a way of being, existing, looking and feeling that only she has. Chanel is a gift that the world of dreams has given to reality, so that we can have a taste of what perfection is. It's hard to say what I think about Chanel in a few words, if looking for words is completely useless to describe something indescribable like this girl 💖



If you raise the number of grains of sand in the entire sea to the power of the number of stars in the sky, the result will still be less than 1% of what you deserve. Or as much as you're worth. Or how much I love you 😊💖



Addicted to your company. She has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. I do everything I can to make you show that beautiful smile of yours always because you look spectacularly beautiful with it. Impossible not to want to see more and more. You are like the sunrise on the first day of spring: Warm up my days and give me hope that the constant gray is colored by your presence so delicious 💖



Every moment with Chanel is made special purely and simply by her presence! Hard to find another human being whose ideas are so reciprocal and the exchange is so unique. I lack words to define what this girl is 💖



What a show of girl friendliness. I fell in love.



Wow... my dream!!!!! love, I won't be able to come back today... but I'll come back another day... today is my time...



Chanel is the embodiment of what is understood today as perfection. Chanel has a sweet and pleasant way of being when treated well, but her personality is actually like fire: if well cared for, it warms and comforts. But if it is neglected, it either goes out due to lack of fuel, or burns you due to excess heat. That's why Chanel should be treated the way you treat the petals of a flower: subtle touches are given to it so that its perfume embraces the environment and its presence beautifies and illuminates wherever it is. Chanel is definitely not just any girl 💖



Special like you, only you. I wonder when the universe will use the shape it created to make you on another star, or if it was thrown away after you were ready to make sure no one would copy you around 💖



Sometimes the person is not nice, they just want to get you! hahahah s2



As I've told you several times, finding such a good vibe in someone is a commendable event that deserves celebration. It deserves to be valued with all my writing ability, with all my ability to express myself. You are absolutely incredible. Never let them convince you otherwise 💖



The best, prettiest, tallest 5th grader I've ever talked to! S2



I really enjoyed the time we shared. It was an honor 🤩 Kiss from your voyeur 😘

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