Chanel is an incredible force, which when treated well, becomes a force in your favor. And her strength has no acting limit, it is strong in every way. Chanel wins you over with the greatest ease in the world with her smile like a princess and her expressive gaze, and when you realize it, it's gone: she's already stupid talking to her about the most random or complex subjects without even realizing it, because Chanel is a strength that has the ability to make a 4 hour conversation seem like a quick chat, because you will never get tired of listening or being in her presence. Chanel is the 5th fundamental force of nature. And it couldn't be more perfect. Take care 💖
The definition of "perfection" in the dictionary is to have your picture on the side. The way you captivate is a dangerous weapon. Your eyes capture me with the greatest ease. Your smile pulls mine out too. This feeling makes me a better person to be better for you. I want you today, tomorrow and always with the same fire, the same affection and the same dedication 💖