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Last Seen: 10 hours ago

Aninha Schultz Subscribe

  • 471 Reviews
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Last Seen: 10 hours ago

Ana, Ana... Three letters, many dreams. It's difficult to put into words how nice it is to be with you. And being able to measure the power you have over me. We started talking, I was a mess with work things and you were on the other screen, listening to me and talking to me. As if she were present, sitting next to me, with her hand on my shoulder, calming me, advising me, giving me support. Impressive how we started and how I left the chat several hours later. You are a light to me, you do me a lot of good. Thank you for always being there, even from a distance. Adore you!

The wise William Shakespeare said... There are those who say that every night is a dream night. But there are also those who guarantee that not all of them, just the summer ones. In the end, this doesn't really matter. What really matters isn't the night itself, it's the dreams. Dreams that man always dreams, everywhere, at all times of the year, sleeping or awake.
