Every woman should be loved, conquered day by day, idolized as a mother, desired in bed, kissed on the mouth, multiplied in joy, shared at home, celebrated on her day, consoled in sadness, lifted up when she fell, encouraged in the fight, motivated at work, given gifts on her birthday, massaged in her soul, admired in her beauty, helped in her difficulty, smelled on the back of her neck, blessed in the whole world, respected and, whenever possible... embraced.
The most incredible thing about this woman could be her sculptural body, or her mouth that seems so soft, her delicate hands, her feet that are always well-shaped and beautiful. But the most incredible thing is not her attention, but the affection and dedication that she gives to each chat. But be careful, she is a dangerous woman, expert in stealing the hearts of the unsuspecting. That's because everything about her is incredible, from her smiles to her love. I love you so much, my beautiful one.
My beauty, how special the days we see each other are, and luckily for me it has happened with delicious frequency. How good it is to spend an afternoon by your side, chatting, singing some songs with my voice out of tune and laughing at the best jokes we can tell. Every day I want more of this, more of you!
Your beauty is unlike any I've ever seen. It comes from within, from the soul. Your beauty is more than makeup, more than a beautiful outfit, it is a jewel of the heart, the purest gold, a precious stone. And while I try to get used to its beauty, I am surprised by new colors, aromas and flavors.