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A Diferenciada Subscribe

  • 982 Reviews
11370 Followers 4854 Likes
Last Seen: 3 days ago
A Diferenciada

A Diferenciada


2 years ago I came across Mindfulness meditation, which basically boils down to putting your full attention in the present moment. In the sound around you, in your breathing and in the physical sensations of that moment. You act as an observer of yourself. This practice opened my eyes to so many important things and improved my life in so many ways that I look back and don't even recognize myself. It's like awakening to a knowledge so obvious but also so secret. I'll show you! Our mind has a natural tendency to wander around, into the past, into the future. How much of our day is lost in matters of the past? In what they did to you, in the wrong decisions you made, in the untapped opportunities, in the injustices, in those people who harmed us, in the bad memories? Hardly our minds are in the past in good memories, have you noticed? We remember something bad and relive that experience, hundreds of times, for days, months, years, decades following the fact; again. At other times in our day, our mind is in the future; in that wonderful job, in that place we want to live, next to that person you don't even know yet, in that dream trip, imagining that body you will have. Your mind wanders to the idea of who you will be, daydreaming about all the money you think you need to finally be happy. There in the future is your salvation! Our mind is back there in the past or there in the future, but it is never here; in the NOW. And that's exactly what makes the present moment such an unwanted burden. You don't want to be here, you don't want to face who you are and what you have now, you prefer to live in the unconsciousness of past memories or future conjectures. We all do it. But in reality all we have is now! Yesterday is only yesterday because today is today. Yesterday was today, and today will be yesterday tomorrow, understand? Tomorrow does not exist as yesterday does not exist, what exists is now. We are always in the now, so wasting our precious time with the past or the future is just insanity, madness even lol. You keep your mind in the past and take that as your identity, as if you are now who you were there but it's wrong, you're not who you were then. Your real self is who you are now! Depression in most cases is linked to issues of the past and anxiety to issues of the future, our body and mind suffer because we do not focus on the current moment. Well, so it's like Milena: ''Next year I want to be on the beach, selling my art, living on what nature gives us'' (meme).NOOOOO lol. Meditation makes you live the now with depth, you can plan your future, have many dreams, but without suffering, because you have intentions for this time that doesn't even exist yet, but your mind doesn't live there. The past is important, it's a kind of file that you take a look at to learn what you've learned; only that. There's nothing else there for you. It's by meditating that you get into the habit of policing yourself to correct yourself every time you go to the past and the future and then you won't suffer for anything that happened to you or for what you imagine could happen one day. Stop dwelling on the past or looking forward to the future. The present couldn't have a better name, it's really a present to be here, right now. Enjoy your life now.:)

 1  0:13
burigoto Reading your text brings me back to my recent past of "good memories". Diving into Indian culture has improved my sense of living in the present. I feel present and intense. kisses
A Diferenciada
Oops, if there's one person I would call intense, it's you. LOL 07/14/2021
gomes-alves Dear Lu one day I told you that I admired you, but now I admire you much more kiss full of nostalgia!!!!
A Diferenciada
:) 07/14/2021
Val-68289 damn it!!! a lesson on how we should live the now, the moment, congratulations for the message;
A Diferenciada
Thanks for reading, I'm glad you liked it! :) 07/14/2021
JBNA37 I started to live in the present then I started to study Stoicism, especially the works of Epictetus and Seneca, which helped me a lot.
A Diferenciada
I love Seneca's view of time. It was with him that I learned not to keep the same problem for too long. Time is precious; let's dedicate it to things and people that deserve them. 07/14/2021