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A Diferenciada Subscribe

  • 982 Reviews
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Last Seen: 3 days ago
A Diferenciada

A Diferenciada


Is the feeling the result of social construction? Darwin vs. Jean Piaget: Naturalistic vs. Constructivist Feeling: Why do you feel the way you do? Examples of human emotions are: love, joy, sadness, fear, anger, contempt, pride, insecurity, despair. Understand before we start that emotion is something different from feeling, both are absolutely necessary, without this resource, we would just be uncontrolled monsters (according to science). FEELING: it is cultural and social creation, yes, you feel because you were taught to feel. There is an interesting debate in the academic environment about whether emotion is natural, the result of an evolutionary process or whether it is constructed, configured and expressed according to the constitution of culture. In the study of emotions in animals, developed by Darwin, (naturalistic perspective) emotion is thought of as innate, universal and invariant, that is, they are IN the subject and would only be expressed in intentions. Therefore, emotions exist in and of themselves. In the constructivist perspective, emotions are configured in social interactions, depending on the cultural context, language and its meanings. It is from this perspective that I will discuss. The social context constitutes, shapes and defines emotions, this will feed back interactions and relationships. Language is intrinsically related to emotion, it gives shape to feeling. A word only has real meaning if there is a concept, meaning given to it. That which has no name, does not exist. If in a certain culture something has a name, a concept, it exists; if someone arrives in this culture talking about something they don't know and tries to introduce it there, it will not be accepted or validated, because there is no linguistic or conceptual representation of it. If you arrive in a pagan tribe, totally removed from civilities, talking about a superior entity, the members of this tribe will understand absolutely nothing of what you say, because your concept of something superior, does not exist in their culture, therefore there is no reference whether for comparison or approximation. This has already been done and the result was bizarre! Let's take romantic love, as an example of feeling, but it's interesting to know that all types of love are social creations, including the overrated maternal and paternal love… Shocking huh? We learn that passion is something instinctive and that love is something built from coexistence, revealing the behaviors that we understand as wrong in the other, etc. It is understood that passion is about to 'stay, date' and love is about marriage. It is now that I will disappoint you lol. If you have ever studied about how marriage emerged in our society, you know that feeling was not even something mentioned for the union between people to take place. Therefore, what we understand today as a sign of love, was once only the most interesting for state and church, under the idea of accumulating fortunes not allowing them to dissipate. The speech, the language developed by both, created the concept of something new: love (marital). But Luiza, so I don't feel it? Yes you do, but how do you feel and why do you feel? You are afraid of a shark, because you learned that it is dangerous, it can kill you. You miss it because you linked the absence of something or someone to the pain of lack. You need to take it back for the discomfort to go away. But ask yourself: Do you love *Anna or do you love how *Ana makes you feel lol? Feeling changes behavior, want to see? Or the external changes the internal, the environment changes the organism. Are you a fan of country music, ok? You're looking pretty good driving your Gol and you decide to turn on the radio. It's playing some old heartache. This song reminds you of so-and-so. So-and-so was your girlfriend, you start to revisit memories, which arouse feelings, which bring up hurt feelings, and here you are mad because she left you for a brand new 18+ sedentary and lower middle class; you cry, get out of control and crash the car. Eeeeeee The feeling altered his behavior. And you built it, got it? There was a stimulus, a pairing of stimuli that elicited responses; absolutely responsive behavior. And all this because in our culture love has a concept, an expected behavior, it refers to status in the qualitative aspect, monogamy, listing values, etc. But Luiza, if I feel it, can I not feel it? Yes, my devoted one, you can, if you want to. When you study the historical, sociological and anthropological context of a certain aspect, your reach of understanding expands and with analysis, self-analysis and the right follow-up, you stop giving the concept, importance to X emotion and it will totally lose the previous meaning; there is then the possibility of re-signifying.***OBS: the text was 100% written by me, there is no excerpt copied from the internet or from voices in my head. All information has a technical and scientific basis. #don't copyMake it better

Voyeur_BR After this text I'm going to listen to my heavy metal followed by Chitão 😎. Who said that opposites don't attract kkkkk
Curioso-16839 Look at the message I left for you. Call me there!
A Diferenciada
ready :) 12/18/2022
Mytrandir Challenging, instigating, provocative of active minds.
A Diferenciada
Gift, captain lol 12/18/2022
Zazael Create more to copy less.
A Diferenciada
Exactly, what I want is what challenges me lol. 10/13/2022
ACM3709 A thought-provoking text that makes us rethink a little about our conception of the sensations we have. After a class like this, I'm waiting for you to arrive and explain a little more about this social construction that is feelings.