The Neurodivergent: Cognitively Differentiated rs Aaaaaarrg, yawn, stretch: good morning! I make the bed, I want to meditate, stretch, read a little, do breathing exercises. No no, I'm going to take a shower first because then I'm already awake. I get out of the shower: wow, I'm going to use that new moisturizer! But only after you do the skincare. While doing it I remember a hairstyle I saw on the internet; I will test now. An hour later, I haven't meditated, read, stretched, or moisturized. Running, I put on a robe and go prepare my breakfast. I start choosing what to eat, I put the water to boil and make tea and I remember to change the water in my dog, I take advantage and water the plants; I spend about 10 minutes watching how they grew. The tea is ready and nothing else has been made for me to eat. Okay, tapioca is fast, but I get distracted weighing the nuts on the diet and let them burn, not one, but two, three… I have to get ready for work, without eating properly and already anxious. The mirror catches my eye, I open my bathrobe, I see myself and I say to myself: ok, I'm upset but at least I'm hot, LOOK AT THAT ASS! But that was just a motivation for me to stop feeling frustrated for not being able to do what I wanted. I remember training and sending messages to the staff, I'm going to be late but since I'm on the chat app, I'm going to answer everyone and off we go, losing focus once again. Inattention, difficulty focusing, staying interested in the medium|long term, different perception of time, impulsiveness, anxiety, forgetting appointments, blanking out during conversations, getting involved in many activities at the same time, disorganization, racing mind, many thoughts at the same time, hyperfocus, over-speed processing and expression: Welcome to my life. I recently underwent an intense neuropsychological evaluation to screen for giftedness, which was confirmed but also found to have features suggestive of ADHD, a very rare combination. I went in search of this diagnosis and here we are my friends, it's official, I have ADHD; I am cognitively DIFFERENTIATED, excuse me lol. ADHD, (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a neurodevelopmental disorder, a bullshit between deregulated brain chemistry and PLASTICITY. Its cause is solely genetic. Briefly, there are three areas in our brain responsible for the production of DOPAMINE AND NORADRENALINE; these promote motivation, cheer. ADHD has this brain chemical produced in smaller quantities. The absence of these neurotransmitters in the ideal amount leads to a lack of motivation, at a neurobiological level, it is as if we had an internal battery with little charge, which is insufficient to complete the demands until the end; which causes a lot of frustration. The issue here is not disability but performance. One day after the discovery, I was already in consultation with a neurologist and with my pharmacological drugs in hand lol, a lot of planning; brain chemistry properly balanced, therapy with CBT scheduled and I already feel like starting to live a new life, with the battery properly charged to be, live and do anything I want without having to make a superhuman effort. As it affects all areas of life, summarizing ADHD is simplistic, in fact it is much broader and deserves some investment in care. When you start the process of self-knowledge, you can discover psychological, unconscious, traumatic, behavioral and cognitive issues lol, if there is a competition of who went to the last consequences of discovering themselves, bring my medal, I deserve to be on the podium lol. I am extremely grateful and happy for the discovery, review lol. She brought me all the answers I didn't have to understand myself. Being gifted and having ADHD has its magic and its tricks, but as Miss Pitty would say: The important thing is to be you, even if it seems strange, even if it seems bizarre, be you! In case you identified with the text, come talk, there's soooo much more where this came from, I really take research very seriously and will definitely add you. #Sorry,I'mSpecial :)

JBNA37 É como o teu cérebro te sabotagem e ele esquecesse que é você, é assim que me sinto com TDAH, me destraio facilmente em quaisquer atividades.