HALLOWEEN SPECIAL PART 1: Little Red Riding Hood was just taking an innocent walk in the park, finds a good spot for a picnic, spreads out her blanket and opens her basket of snacks, when she receives a surprise, her basket was switched by the evil witch and when she opened the basket Little Red Riding Hood was cursed, becoming the naughtiest of all the girls! She then begins to realize how horny she is and touches her own body, squeezes her breasts, opens her pussy lips and begins to MASTURBATE freely in the park, takes one of the toys sent by the witch and begins to SUCK it madly! After that Little Red Riding Hood begins to FUCK her PUSSY with a MONSTER DILDO and realizes how pleasurable it is, the cock is huge and thick and is destroying her pussy, she begins to rub her clitoris at the same time and then has her first orgasm, she is CUMMING intensely!!!