Hey guys! I want to apologize for the privecalls that I haven't answered, I haven't had a cell phone for about 15 days. I promise that this week I will sort out this cell phone issue. For those who want to kill the nostalgia, I'll be online tomorrow afternoon! I hope you! Big kiss.
Onde o amor impera, não há desejo de poder; e onde o poder predomina, há falta de amor. Um é a sombra do outro. Carl Jung
Quarta feira é meu dia off e dedico esse dia a mim e me encho de mimos, por esse motivo à tarde não estarei disponível.
Amanhã retorno online às 15h! Espero você.
Beijo doce e ruivo na pontinha do nariz.
Beloved, I'm unwell, I have a migraine, so I'm going to log in tonight from 11pm... I'm waiting for you. Sweet kisses to everyone.
Goodnight! I've been off since yesterday due to PMS! I'm out of charisma, crying and devouring chocolate. kkkkk For this reason I will log this weekend. Tomorrow I'll post the weekend hours, but tomorrow afternoon I'll go online at 3 pm. I wait for you!! xoxo ps.: there's a new video in the gallery :)
I'm really upset now because there's always a guy in the room talking about contact outside the site and it's always a guy who I have no idea who he is.... JUST STOP! THIS IS NOT COOL FOR ANY WOMAN!