Vere Offline Send a message Notify me when online Report Cancel What do you think of my new tattoo?? 🥰 1 42 likes 04/04/2024 Publish O-Rustico I think you are very hot🤤 04/04/2024 Tatoo rss doesn't work 04/08/2024 willbrinks07 It was very good! You are a work of art ❤️ 🔥 04/04/2024 pra vc s like um eg* za*r 04/08/2024 rs6369 It's nice 04/04/2024 Brigadier 04/08/2024 paulo-198111 I couldn't see any tattoos lol 04/04/2024 Hahahaha... 04/08/2024 gremista2018 Tattoo!? Laughter. You are badass. Sexy, delicious baby 04/04/2024 - Lol (I love you) ❤️ 04/08/2024 luve02 all wonderful tattoos 04/30/2024
O-Rustico I think you are very hot🤤