Toda Poderosa

  • 1744 Reviews
20937 Followers 26472 Likes
Last Seen: 20 hours ago
Toda Poderosa Offline Last Seen: 20 hours ago

Toda Poderosa

  • 1744 Reviews
20937 Followers 26472 Likes
Last Seen: 20 hours ago
Toda Poderosa

Toda Poderosa


Once upon a time... in a land far away... there was a beautiful princess, independent and full of self-esteem. She came across a frog while contemplating nature and thinking about how the wonderful lake of her castle was relaxing and ecological... Then the frog jumped into her lap and said: beautiful princess, I was once a very handsome prince. An evil witch cast a spell on me and I turned into this nasty frog. A kiss from you, however, will transform me back into a handsome prince and we can marry and have a happy home in your beautiful castle. Your mother could come live with us and you could cook my dinner, wash my clothes, raise our children and we would be happy forever... a very fine white wine, the princess smiled, thinking to herself: - Me, huh? Not even dead! 😂☀️

marciogot Ahahah only you to make me laugh 🤣! Kisses babe 😘
kctudobomdmais Hard to know which part of this princess moves me the most... what a beautiful smile is this???
Toda Poderosa
All parts right… lol kiss love…😘 01/13/2022
eltonbono But I would love to be in that place lol
Toda Poderosa
I imagine so! Haha 01/13/2022