Tiffany Offline
Last Seen: December 26, 2020

Tiffany Subscribe

  • 53 Reviews
935 Followers 2405 Likes
Last Seen: December 26, 2020

Is not authorized and I do not consent to be recorded or photographed during my broadcasts in Privê Camera. The use of my profile, videos or pictures in any form or forum now or in the future is not permitted in any form or consent even if it is expressed in writing. Any act to promote or profit from the use of my profile, video or images are a violation of my privacy and subject to legal action. I do NOT wish to be recorded or have pictures taking of me while I perform on Privê Camera. If you act against my policies I will report you and pull you into court. The use of my profile, video or pictures in any form or forum now or in the future is not permissible without my expresso written consent. Any act to promote or gain profit from the use of my profile, video or pictures is a Violation of my privacy and subject to the legal action. ➜ "ON PRIVATE exhibitionism" If my display to record and play at the net, I unfortunately have to sue you, and you can go to jail and still have to pay me a nice compensation as provided by law for cyber crimes.
