Sweet A Subscribe

  • 1076 Reviews
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Last Seen: 5 days ago
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Sweet A Subscribe

  • 1076 Reviews
11640 Followers 8143 Likes
Last Seen: 5 days ago
Sweet A

Sweet A


Today, during a chat with a very dear client, he asked me if I like my own company, and I said yes, that in order to be good company for other people, we need to be at peace and enjoy our own presence. I like to come here when I'm feeling good, greet the person on the other side with a smile and a "Good morning! How are you?" and I like to be treated the same way. Behind the screen, there is a person with feelings and we have to treat them well regardless of how horny we are at the moment. That said, I want to be good company for you and I expect the same, good company, conversations about everything, knowing what you think about a certain subject, your favorite music or food. We create scenarios and make the chat our own world. Regarding the client I mentioned above, we had a chat full of laughter, conversations about work, sports and we ended in the most pleasant way possible. Politeness, kindness, respect and attention attract me (a lot!) ♡

Gui-60000 Dear Sweet A (lol), any environment or relationship can be fertile or toxic, depending on how people propose to build their connections. Happy to feel part of what touches you positively. ❤️
zenkoluz You are wonderful in many ways. Your company always does a lot of good. It is a pleasure to be able to have so many exchanges with you. A kiss!
felipee-31296 All chats with you are always wonderful!!