How do I delete or hide information from my PriveCard profile?

There are three options for hiding information from your PriveCard:

Hide your account creation date
On the PriveCard, below your username, is the date your account was created. You can choose whether or not to show this date by clicking on the "Hide" or "Show" option. If you click "Hide", that information will not be shown on your PriveCard. However, all other information will remain visible.

Do not add profile information
There is the option for you to add information, such as a brief description, age, location and preferences on the website. You can simply leave this information blank, if you do not want to share or have this information displayed. This way, the only information that will be visible is your PrivePoints, Status Level and account creation date (unless you have opted to hide this as explained above).

Private PriveCard
By clicking on the lock icon in the upper left corner of your PriveCard, you can choose whether the information on your PriveCard will be public or private. When you choose the "Private" option, your PriveCard will be inaccessible to all others. Your avatar will be displayed as the initial Silver status level for you.

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