Having PriveCall connection problems?

If you experience connection problems with PriveCall, try the following solutions:

1 - Check the stability of your network. If you are using a mobile network, try accessing from an area with 4G coverage. If the problem persists, try accessing through a WiFi network. If you are using a WiFi network, try accessing through a mobile / 4G network. Finally, confirm that the signal strength regardless of the type of network you are using is strong.

2 - If you have managed to establish the call and there are connection problems or freezing, simply click the "Update Image" button that is found on the PriveCall screen and wait for the image to update.

3- Close the web browser, wait 5 seconds, reopen the web browser and try your call again.

In the event that you cannot connect, confirm that you are using one of the two approved web browsers. To find out which are approved web browsers, read the article: Which web browsers does PriveCall work with?

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