Why was my transaction rejected?

Your transaction may have been rejected by the billing intermediaries for several reasons.

One of the most common reasons is that your bank could have caused the rejection by declining your purchase. For information, contact the telephone number on the back of your credit card. Describe the status and value of the purchase you attempted to make it easier for them to find the transaction. In this case, they should resolve the issue and you can make a new purchase.

Another common reason is you possibly entered some of the information incorrectly. Double check and confirm that you entered all information correctly, including your card number, security code, name and billing address information.

Your address is requested only so that the bank can validate the transaction. We do not disclose or share this information and will never contact you by using your address or telephone number entered in to the form.

If you are still encountering issues completing your purchase, please contact us by one of our Customer Service Channels.

This article was not helpful or contained errors that need correcting. Please contact us through one of our Support Channels.