Does time pass? It does not pass through the abyss of the heart. Inside, the grace of love endures, flowering in song. Time brings us closer and closer, reduces us to a single verse and a rhyme of hands and eyes, in the light. CDA Time passes very quickly... your company is formidable and wonderful... May it be eternal❤️
She has a beautiful way of looking me in the eyes Awakening my dreams Madness of love She has a sweet way of touching my body That drives me crazy A crazy dreamer She knows how to hold me like no one else Has her mysteries Knows how to act like no one else My serious case A goddess, a madwoman, a sorceress She is too much When she kisses my mouth and gives herself completely My God, she is too much…. It's you 🙏❤️
Love and Longing There are no rules... there is no control... it just happens! You can't resist no matter how much you try to escape, this love that belongs to you comes to you! There is no distance that prevents it, there is no absence that keeps it away, it just happens! You can't stop feeling it, no matter how much you try to stop it, it stays with you, this longing that makes you suffer! AD Speechless🥹🥰
Stripped of modesty, I dress in costumes... I make your body my refuge, my purest joy. I need to feel you inside me... inside, outside, on top, on the side, in any way. I want to climb your peaks, bathe in your sweat, drown in the saliva of your kisses, feel your taste, satisfy my desire. Incredibly beautiful