Babalon Spell Subscribe

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Last Seen: 8 hours ago
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Babalon Spell Subscribe

  • 604 Reviews
7072 Followers 4416 Likes
Last Seen: 8 hours ago
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When a woman tells you she's hungry, you satisfy her. When a woman tells you she wants something, you give it to her. When a woman says she's tired and stressed, suck her until the stress turns into pleasure. When a woman gives the order, you obey and thank her, kneel and kiss her feet until she gives you permission to kiss her. Until you understand, I'll reiterate: she gives the order, you obey. She steps on you, you kiss. Let's normalize male pain into pleasure. If necessary, for the sake of a good pet man, make a big deal out of your guts and give it to her well-seasoned dinner. And if you disagree, in the hands of the right woman, you'll agree and beg for more.

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