Days & times that I'm online for you to come in and have a cup of coffee 😏: - I'M OFF WEDNESDAY & SUNDAY (as you know I have a very busy routine outside the site, besides Camgirl I study, have another job, training, etc etc) so I use this day off in the middle of the week to give a little attention to that. - THE REST OF THE DAYS: from 4:30 am to 9 am then I'm back at 12:00 pm until 3:00 am, OR, from 4:30 am to 1:00 pm.

About NON-SEXUAL things that turn me on: 1- Focused and disciplined person. 2- People who take care of themselves mentally and physically too - I'm not talking about having the best physique, but caring minimally about clothing, personal hygiene, smell, teeth, clothes (amazingly, many people don't give a damn). 3- See myself as more than a piece of meat. 4- Library/Bookstore (gosh, I get horny just being there) WHAT ABOUT YOU?? TELL ME SOMETHING HERE IN THE COMMENTS. 🥰🔥 #FETISCH

"Everyone must know the pain and the delight of being what they are..."

“Science helps us understand reality, but only art makes us endure it.” 🌹