Days & times that I'm online for you to come in and have a cup of coffee 😏: - I'M OFF WEDNESDAY & SUNDAY (as you know I have a very busy routine outside the site, besides Camgirl I study, have another job, training, etc etc) so I use this day off in the middle of the week to give a little attention to that. - THE REST OF THE DAYS: from 4:30 am to 9 am then I'm back at 12:00 pm until 3:00 am, OR, from 4:30 am to 1:00 pm.

“Science helps us understand reality, but only art makes us endure it.” 🌹

"I wanted to tell a story, but the only thing I'm counting are the minutes I spend with her. It's funny that at some moments it seems like I've figured her out: a good conversation, affection, mischief and she's smiling, but at the same time she's full of mysteries, I always discover something different about her, and one day I want to find out how she leaves me enchanted like this.. 🔥❤️ SHE'S SO HER.." - Bulgari Lunna - and you who read this paragraph now, have you ever felt like this?? 🥰 #fetish