Gain access for R$10,00
Hi, I'll be online this Sunday at 9pm!
Anyone who wants to talk to me can call privatecall or message
Today is another day that I won't be online due to personal problems.
Online today at 8pm!
Gain access for R$2,00
Online this Sunday at 9pm
Available on privecall this Friday. just call me
Gain access for R$5,00
People, what's happening here? How bizarre!
Gain access for R$2,00
Gain access for R$2,00
Hello today I didn't do any chats😔If anyone can leave me a gift to help me, I'll reciprocate!
Today, Friday, I'll be back online from 10pm to 2am! Come spend Friday with me!
Available on Privecall just call me I'm here