Disclosing intimate photos and/or videos is a crime! “Art. 218-C. Offering, exchanging, making available, transmitting, selling or exhibiting for sale, distributing, publishing or disclosing, by any means – including by means of mass communication or computer or telematic systems –, photographs, videos or other audiovisual records containing scenes of..., sex scenes, nudity or pornography: Penalty – imprisonment from 1 (one) to 5 (five) years, if the act does not constitute a more serious crime.” “§ 1º The penalty is increased by 1/3 (one third) to 2/3 (two thirds) if the crime is committed by an agent who maintains or has maintained an intimate relationship of affection with the victim or for the purpose of revenge or humiliation.” Therefore, disclosing photos or videos for revenge is considered something serious and that can have criminal implications.
Good afternoon, my loves!!! This Saturday I turned 42, and I want to thank everyone who remembered to congratulate me on the gifts. A cycle ends and a new one begins... I leave behind everything that hurt me, everything that made me sad, upset and hurt. I am starting a new phase and, in this new phase, I will not look back. I will not cry for what was left in the past, for those who did not value my love, my feelings. I have only one certainty: this new phase will be full of challenges and obstacles; however, I will move forward, with my head held high, knowing that I have always been honest, sincere and true. I have always given the best of myself, because that is who I am, intense!!! I hope that in this new cycle I can find you here with me. I have a lot of affection and respect for many users, and I cannot even express how grateful I am for having made so many friends here ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Where are my horns??? I miss you so much!!! 😋😋😋😋