In the mind a thousand reasons, In the chest few carry, Knows pain with propriety, but has already kissed such happiness, When he loved, it was true, when he made a mistake, it was without malice, When he cried, he spilled, but soon got up, He could be a princess, but she decided to be strong, Her nature is more than beauty, she has purity, inner richness, Maybe her weakness is the uncertainty of her shameless mind, She is a verse, that misfit poem, She is simple, irritated, but calm in the same rhythm , She doesn't have the world, but she has all the dreams that fit in it, She doesn't have the best speech, but she can decipher any look, If she needs to, she starts what she finishes, but she prefers not to have to redo it, She's a bit of Harley Quinn, vitamin e adrenaline, As Lenin says; she can even be, all together in one being, She is the light that confuses the darkness, she simply is me.

Have a nice weekend my loves 😗💕

Affection is good, but naughty is always welcome.

She was famous for being disorganized, messy. He even had the reputation of messing up everything he touched... and guess what!?!?... it's true! Just looking at her makes me all messed up. 🔥🔥🔥

What a beautiful Thursday! I'm here looking forward to seeing you in my delicious private 💗 a very nice kiss from Miss Sweetie ❤️