Space Queen Subscribe

  • 936 Reviews
7487 Followers 7176 Likes
Last Seen: September 5, 2024
Space Queen Offline Last Seen: September 5, 2024

Space Queen Subscribe

  • 936 Reviews
7487 Followers 7176 Likes
Last Seen: September 5, 2024
Space Queen

Space Queen


“The hero of the body is the one who surprises others and seduces them. Its powers are to make use of the past and its magic. What has already been done, seen, said, spoken and heard becomes the instrument for surprising others. The hero of the soul is the one who surprises himself and his powers are what has not yet been done, seen, said, spoken or heard. (…) While the body delights in the conquests of seduction, the soul does so in the conquests of haunting by surprise.” #brunette
