I'LL BE BACK AT 10:30 PM, let's continue our delicious messes lol😈😎😎🥰🥰🥰😜😜😜

I'll ride all night, by a colorful road ..... Use my kisses as flogging and my hand more daring, I will cling to your hair. Not to fall from his gallop, I will meet my pleas before the day the choke ..... I will miss me early in the morning to find you in my embrace. After all ride I will lie in your fatigue ..... Without caring if at that moment, if I am overwhelmed or domino .... I feel like a giant, or nothing more than a boy .... .. stars change place, arrive closer just to see and still shine in the morning .... After our sleep and the greatness of this moment, love rides without knowing .... What beauty this time .... The sun waiting to be born (How beautiful it, Too) ....
Kiss my mouth, get my clothes, take my peace ........ What I'm wondering ... Oh that crazy thing this girl is driving me crazy ...... I'm wondering .. (VEM DELÍCIA, FEELING PLEASURE YUMMY) Kisses
Oh if you only knew how I am so caring and very much I want you !!! (I would come now for me Private dominate and take this crazy horny, horny around me .....)