The gypsy will return. Come co Roma come from?
Dear friends you are temporarily away from the site because I'm in mourning. My dear mother passed away and I'm saving it for mourning. Soon be back with you I hope you understand. kisses
Getting online love
Amores'm here for you guys.
I'm on love

I need the help of my loves, I'm serious problems real and I need you guys. bjs
good day for love.
Good morning loves coming and coming. It comes with the gypsy comes.
Getting online eateth me?
Amores here 1 hour will be here
I am online . comes???

Come see the Roma
Amores, tomorrow I'll be on line, I want to review each one of you. I want to return to the site, but for that I need to know if really you want me to come back. I miss each of you, but there are people here that in my memory and I keep with affection in my mind, and I hope to have all passed before with you.
Who misses the Roma?