You deserve to be deserve all good be around good deserve to wake up to the sound of deserve to smell the dew when you wake up...the sun rising outside...inviting you to stay by its deserve a brotherly hug...the sweet words...all the positive energy that deserve that when someone pronounces your name...that they do so with a clean heart...with an open deserve to make all your dreams come true...your desires come deserve to be remembered with respect and a person who passes through humanity in the right way...with dignified gestures...with purity of heart...with loyalty...I see through your simple behavior the nobility of your deserve...and today I would like to wish you with all the strength of my heart, that...everything...everything you wish...may come true. The time was short, but it was full. You are a find, a person with a rare soul. Thank you for the opportunity, for the affection. Take care. Kisses!!❤️❤️❤️
I'm sure they've already listed all your attributes and values, as well as your ability to charm. The compliments of yesteryear, as well as the advent of so many others, will not be able to accurately define the true meaning of the experience of being with you. It's magical, incredible, almost transcendental. My heart never knew so many good feelings that I found by your side. Thank you for your company and for the opportunity to participate a little in your life. May you be very happy. I loved being with you once again with all my heart. Be sure that you are an inspiring, charming, beautiful, kind woman, with a heart and soul of gold. ❤️❤️❤️
There is a shortage of amazing people in the world! But, lucky as I am, I found you!! A gift of life! You are part of this small group that touches our soul. Being with you was a great privilege. It is, and always will be, an honor to share quality moments with you. I can't remember anyone for whom I had such appreciation, affection, admiration and respect, in such a short time as I had for you. You have an impeccable record of values and virtues. It's impossible not to admire him. The greatness of a person can only be known after feeling it, experiencing it, even if only for an instant. A small moment is capable of revealing many things. That little moment with you was absolutely fantastic. In a short time I was able to experience the grandeur of the soul and the wealth of values that you are capable of spreading. I am grateful for the privilege and opportunity granted to me by you, to be with such noble and blessed company. I wish you the best the world can offer. God bless you, be well!!!