Rosa De Vries

  • 167 Reviews
4365 Followers 4281 Likes
Last Seen: 4 hours ago
Rosa De Vries Offline Last Seen: 4 hours ago

Rosa De Vries

  • 167 Reviews
4365 Followers 4281 Likes
Last Seen: 4 hours ago
Rosa De Vries

Rosa De Vries


IS ACCOMPANIED MORE ENJOYABLE? - I was doing a show here on the website, and he was in the room just listening to everything. I was getting dressed to go back online when he came into my room and started fucking me in the chair. After a while I picked it up and started recording to make fun and tease him from a distance. And now I'm posting it for you to enjoy and feel provoked too lol original audio. Enjoy 🔥 Note: this is my first sex tape ever, I promise to improve in the next ones hahaha

 1  4:32
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