Rosa De Vries

  • 167 Reviews
4362 Followers 4277 Likes
Last Seen: September 3, 2024
Rosa De Vries Offline Last Seen: September 3, 2024

Rosa De Vries

  • 167 Reviews
4362 Followers 4277 Likes
Last Seen: September 3, 2024
Rosa De Vries

Rosa De Vries


HI MY LOVESSSSS I miss you so much! I posted a little pack of photos just so you can keep up to date with my beauty lol And I know the price is high, and there's a reason! It's a special pack to help with some expenses with my meows. They were weak and I had to supplement them with very expensive food, my salary as a cook isn't enough, unfortunately hahaha And well, these photos are photos that only those who support me and really like me (or my kitties) will buy, if you don't like or don't support me here on the site then don't worry because this one isn't for you, but your time will come! HSDHAUDHAASIH A big kiss to those who haven't forgotten me and my little shows until now, I'm going to take advantage of my vacation to say hi here whenever I can because I have a lot of T accumulated, you know HHSDUHASUDHASD 💕 💕💕💕
