Thank you for the affection I have received through the messages! I send you news soon! Beiossssssssss

My angels, thank you for caring .... I'm trying to get back, I'll be here soon .. normalmente..saudades .... kisses
... Coming home ... I will rest and see if I can come see you a little bit hj the noite..beijosssssss
... And 2017 arrived .... I am organizing me and I return on Monday .... if you give give a quick stop by Sunday night (but I can not promise) .... Many miss the affection, the laughter and all the good that I get the dear people I met here and that are part of my day to day .... then I'm all volta..beijos

I reach the 22h .... beijosssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
To all who came to see me, my thanks for the care they receive me forever! Those who could not pay much attention and they could not see me tomorrow ... I'm back .... kisses
This afternoon, after 16hs step to see who is behaving well .... hj only will answer who was a good boy during rssssssss year ... Beijossss
On line hj night after the 23hs..beijosssssssssss
I'll be back at the very end of noite..bjssssssss
Pause for jantar..mais late try back to see you ... Fever already in play list hj ... beijosssssssss

Hj try back late in the evening, very beginning of madrugada..beijos and even her
After 23h try to just pass p see vcs..bjs
Pause to vote for Hillary and dinner ... then I go back ... kisses