ago17dIn the Playboy Square or in Niterói At the Chumbada Farm or in Coez Quitungo, Guaporé, in the places of the Taquara Alligator, Furna and the Do-Who-Wants Cockroach, City of God, Borel and the Marshal Skunk, Urucânia, Irajá Cosmorana, Guadalupe, Sangue-Areia and Pombal Vicar General, Rocinha and Vidigal Colonel, Mutuapira, Itaguaí and Sacy Andaraí, Iriri, Salgueiro, Catiri Engenho Novo, Gramacho Méier, Inhaúma, Arará Vila Aliança, Mineira, Mangueira and the Vintém In Posse and Madureira, Nilópolis, Xerém Or anywhere I will admire you