Legend has it that an enchanted Princess slept who would only awaken an Infante, who would come from beyond the wall of the road. ❤️ He had to, tempted, overcome evil and good, before, already released, he left the wrong path for what the Princess comes. ❤️ The Sleeping Princess is waiting, sleeping waits. She dreams of death for her life, and she decorates her forgotten forehead, green, with a wreath of ivy. ❤️ Far away the Infante, struggling, without knowing what purpose he has, breaks the doomed path. He of hers is ignored. She is nobody to him. ❤️ But each one fulfills Destiny - she sleeping enchanted, he searching without sense for the divine process that makes the road exist. ❤️ And, although everything on the road is obscure, and false, he comes safe, and, overcoming road and wall, arrives where in sleep she lives. ❤️ And, still dizzy from what had happened, to his head, in the sea, he raises his hand, and finds ivy, and sees that he himself was the sleeping Princess. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
- Brazil Nationality
- ☀️ Location
- 37 years Age
- Português Language
tomzack How delightful