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Last Seen: 1 hour ago

Once upon a time, in Minas Gerais, there was a beautiful brunette with bright eyes and a captivating smile, her beauty was so radiant that everyone who saw her was enchanted, she was known for spreading love wherever she went, one day, in a distant kingdom, the The king saw her image and was fascinated by her beauty and her noble soul, so he decided to invite her to visit his kingdom and, upon seeing her in person, he fell madly in love, her gracefulness won the king's heart, thus the beautiful brunette of Minas Gerais became the queen of the kingdom, being admired for her beauty, her reign was marked by love and her name was immortalized in history as the most beautiful queen who brought light and happiness to everyone.

I'm still ecstatic about meeting someone so special, sensitive, loving in such an unlikely place... you marked my Sunday afternoon in such a beautiful way that I can't explain it, feeling affection for someone who is so far away and who we talked to for a few hours is possible ? I say with all certainty that it is, as I told you, you are a find, you do me good, it exalts me haha, it brings me peace, I always want to have you close, thank you for so much, for making me feel special ❤️❤️
