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Last Seen: 2 hours ago

Plato Subscribe

  • 21 Reviews
147 Followers 1 Likes
Last Seen: 2 hours ago



There are those who exceed our expectations and there is Plato, my dear male, who exceeds everyone – Masculine as hell, BITCH JEBA, a boy's heart – This hottie is the promise of a great friendship, something that can happen – Owner of an enviable body Decorated with hair and combs, the bastard is very pissed off with me, just the way I like sex: TOO FUCKING! – Unbeatable in grinding and rolling... it's body, it's voice, everything! – A beautiful man in all his essence in the flower of his youth... His physical vitality and his lust are at their peak. There is no explanation! – Holy abdomen where I rest my head and admire what is mine, which drives me to inexplicable madness, what belongs to me: your genitals! – HOW FUCKING BEAUTIFUL! WHAT A SUCK! WHAT BERRIES! All mine – Sensational is what defines it! – Sweet, sweet and very naughty when it comes to dirty things, SOB in the dirty things he says when he sticks his tongue in my ear – AND HOW HE DOES IT! How deliciously you soak me with your semen in my imagination! – Real: it will be just me! lol – My dear, you are all mine!

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zenbr3 Congratulations! With so much beauty and friendliness, it will take off in the chat. Success always!
Ahh! I'm flattered, big guy!! I hope to meet you more often! ❤️😍 ago2d



What was that I just witnessed??? Plato, how BEAUTIFUL you are! After the impact of your perfect body, I was able to enjoy a delicious conversation, which was worth every minute of the time we had. I loved meeting you, and I already miss you so much. I wish I could spend the whole day seeing you and talking to you. Be sure of your potential, your beauty, your friendliness and how far you can go with all of this. You are a real prince, who seems to have come out of a fairy tale. Thank you for your attention. And take care!

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