Adelle Plus

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Last Seen: 13 hours ago
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Adelle Plus

  • 1102 Reviews
10803 Followers 6876 Likes
Last Seen: 13 hours ago

Li em algum lugar sobre uma antiga maldição chinesa: "Que você nasça numa época interessante!".
Este é um momento muito interessante, pois não existem modelos para NADA do que está acontecendo. É um período de queda livre em direção ao futuro, e cada um tem que trilhar seu próprio caminho. Os modelos antigos não funcionam; os novos ainda não apareceram. Na verdade, somos nós que estamos moldando o novo na formação de nosssas vidas interessantes. E esse é todo o sentido do desafio atual: somos os ancestrais de uma era por vir, os geradores involuntários dos seus mitos de apoio, os modelos míticos que inspirarão as suas vidas.

Joseph Campbell

“Your law is not my law. Your law is not the law of the gods; It's just a man's occasional whim. And I do not believe that your proclamation has such force that it can replace the unwritten laws of customs and the infallible statutes of the gods. Because these laws are not laws of today, they are not laws of yesterday, they are laws of all times: no one knows when these laws appeared. No, I would not risk the punishment of the gods to satisfy the pride of a poor king.” Antigone, by Sophocles

I AM I 1. I am I, I was born, I live and I will die. this one, this one. (adjustments will be made along the way, many of them, but basically:) 2. I come with the past (present and future are not included) 3. the future of the past tense does not exist; nothing would be, nothing should. things just are, and can turn into other things, better things or worse things, or nothing at all. depends on now. 4. Emotional blackmail at any level is prohibited, at any time of the day or night. Drama should be used sparingly and never with a raised chin or a pathetic air of desperate reason. 5. chaotic situations imposed without need will be severely punished with silence and absence to the mental sound of the mantra "patience, patience, patience" repeated until sanity. 6. love is not measured between the legs. love is not measured with a blowjob. love is not measured. 7. love is not illness, illness is not love. (love ≠ tumor) 8. trying to impose yourself with a tantrum will inevitably be an inglorious battle where everyone loses, everyone suffers, everyone wastes precious time, everyone gets older. 9. I talk about what I want, where I want, how I want, when I want and I write what I want, how I want, where I want. without interference. from anyone. Never. none. 10. Do you want it your way? buy clay and mold a bowl.

Mystery is the noblest thing we can experience. It is emotion that lies at the heart of true science. He who does not feel this emotion and who can no longer marvel or be astonished is as if he were already dead. Knowing that what is impenetrable to us truly exists and manifests itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our limited faculties can only grasp in their most primitive forms, this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of all true devotion . Cosmic experience is in fact the most powerful and noble pivot of scientific research. Einstein

The Statutes of Man (Permanent Institutional Act) Article I It is hereby decreed that the truth now applies. Now life is worth it, and hand in hand, we will all march towards true life. Article II It is hereby decreed that all days of the week, including the grayest Tuesdays, have the right to become Sunday mornings. Article III It is hereby decreed that, from this moment on, there will be sunflowers in all windows, and that the sunflowers will have the right to open within the shade; and that the windows must remain, all day long, open to the green where hope grows. Article IV It is decreed that man will never need to doubt man again. That man will trust in man as the palm tree trusts in the wind, as the wind trusts in the air, as the air trusts in the blue field of the sky. Sole paragraph: The man will trust the man as a boy trusts another boy. Article V It is decreed that men are free from the yoke of lies. You will never again need to wear the breastplate of silence or the armor of words. The man will sit at the table with his eyes clear because the truth will be served before dessert. Article VI The practice dreamed of by the prophet Isaiah is established for ten centuries, and the wolf and the lamb will graze together and the food of both will have the same taste of dawn. Article VII By irrevocable decree the permanent reign of justice and clarity is established, and joy will be a generous banner forever unfurled in the souls of the people. Article VIII It is decreed that the greatest pain has always been and will always be not being able to give love to those you love and knowing that it is the water that gives the plant the miracle of the flower. Article IX It is permitted for man's daily bread to bear the sign of his sweat. But above all, it always has the warm flavor of tenderness. Article Article XI It is decreed, by definition, that man is an animal that he loves and that is why he is beautiful, much more beautiful than the morning star. Article XII It is decreed that nothing will be forced or prohibited, everything will be permitted, including playing with the rhinos and walking in the afternoons with a huge begonia in your lapel. Sole paragraph: Only one thing is prohibited: loving without love. Article XIII It is decreed that money will never again be able to buy the sun in the mornings to come. Expelled from the great chest of fear, the money will become a fraternal sword to defend the right to sing and the celebration of the day that has arrived. Final Article. The use of the word freedom is prohibited, which will be removed from dictionaries and the misleading morass of mouths. From this moment on, freedom will be something alive and transparent like a fire or a river, and its home will always be the heart of man. Thiago de Mello

What no one tells you is the relief of allowing yourself to be imperfect. If someone puts you on a pedestal, get down. Every pedestal is a prison. Let people see the imperfect, the real, the flawed, the subtle, the strange, beautiful and magical person that you are. Allow them to be mistaken about you, to laugh behind your back. Allow them to judge, to whisper, to believe they know who you are. Allow them to look at you crookedly, to move away, to exclude you, to reject you, to cancel you. See that, yes, this ends in death. Death of this one who was a slave to others. And then live!! Live free and without fear. Because the other no longer has power over you. Care more about your conscience than your reputation because your conscience is who you are, and your reputation is what others think of you. You don't have to be perfect. Honor your humanity.

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