Qual horário vcs preferem me ver on line?

Today, I realized that I've been here for more than 10 years, when this place was all "WOOD". And you??😅

I'm fine :) are you missing me? The longing is momentary

I walk around without patience for rude guys, when I get in interact, I don't care if you are in a hurry, because many are working or wives at home. but education, interaction changes everything. if you come in asking right away to do this or that, I will close in your face, just like many close. good morning, good afternoon, noooooooooo kills .. interaction makes the moment enjoyable for both. I don’t care if you have a thousand credits, what’s the use of having money and not treating well .. and if you come with little credit wanting me to do a miracle for 3 minutes forget it .. go back to where you consumed the previous credits. I prefer to stay with you having 3 credits but being kind, than, come flustered. I won't guess what you want if you don't interact. ahh and it costs nothing to say goodbye .. even if you haven’t enjoyed the show, just talk, i have to leave, i’ll go for it, obg. Anyway ... that's it for hj :)

1min chat, say "go, get wet" .. I will pour water on my body.

It doesn't come to my chat, NOTHING to ask to ass, do dp, as if I was a machine. broxant

volto as 23 hrs