today Friday I will be back at 3:20 p.m.

avoid stupid speeches ... what do you have for today or for me? It surprises me .. Do you enjoy yourself?

It's annoying thing to say that the cam locked to leave, changes the disk, aff .. or just quit


My love, I had to go back later.
loves I ended up leaving to stay here with you a little more, but I'm going there and I'll be back. srrsrsrs I'll be back at 4:00 p.m.
Amadosssss, I've been all afternoon online, I'm going to take a break now and I'll be back at 00:30 and I'll be until 03:00 I hope you
My internet crlão fell .. came back now ..
I HAVE MORE THAN 4OOO FOLLOWERS, AND NOR 5% enjoyed my photo. WHAT WOULD NOT HELP, WOULD NOT FALL THE FINGER IN MAKING A GENTILE, A PLEASANT, A HELP. VCS ENTER IN MY ROOM AND ALWAYS TATE WITH EDUCATION AND RESPECT AND YOU WILL NOT RETRIBUTE ... SO IT ONLY REINFORTS MY SURE. WE ARE VIEWED AS ANYONE. A "bitch on the net" who gets naked for money. The point is that we are not any, and it is not because we take off our clothes here that we are whores or GPS. I'm not questioning models that stay and first place in these promotions, I'm criticizing the fact that not all kindness generates kindness. not every affection is reciprocal. we are tired of saying that we are not robots, when you enter, and in 2 minutes you want a quickie, but even then we treat you with affection and we do such care, even without liking hurry. We are here to make money ??? YES, this is our job, but that does not stop us from having affection, affinity, affection, love, with who is on the other side of the screen. we are real we have feelings, we spend a good part of our day here with you, leaving many times to go out with friends, boyfriends .. we hear confidences, we realize some desires, we smile, we play and even then, we often feel like nobody. 'ahh camila, but if you do not like it,' 'ahh camila, you are here for this very thing' .... if you have this thought, know that you are stingy, do not know how to differentiate gratitude from obligation. I'm not melodramatic, even because I do not like it, I'm putting my point of view here from a different look from yours. just to finish just want to say, do not cover me, what you can not give .. and I do not mean money .. pq not everything revolves around dollar signs $$$.
loves to enjoy my little pic please, every 50 curtidass I release a video and I get simple as pvt
I'm going to release the anal video when I get to 120 tanned until 13:30.
I love masturbating and enjoying with little face.
I already released the sex video. Enjoy will stay free for 10 minutes. Keep voting and linweo one more
I'm online, my loves
I love you, I'll be back at 9:00 a.m., good.
drfgabrielm I'll be back in 10 min as I had warned you .. then we joked until sweat rsrsr
I love you back at 8:00 a.m.
wants to present me with some clothes or accessory here my wish list .. can use with you .. website stealth and 100% insurance
I'll be back at 11:30 a.m.
I love you, I'm going back to midnight today ... until then, cheeky
I like you again