Paris Offline
Last Seen: 5 hours ago

Paris Subscribe

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Last Seen: 5 hours ago

Despite my dialectic and endogenous struggle, I have a conviction that fundamentally and unchangeably bears my whole deal with her: she deserves all the happiness and affection in the world!

no matter time, distance, space, physics, what is most important is speed and impact. Moments of impact change everything. In our lives moments of impact have been responsible for many things, and if I had not impacted their eyes on that day, or on the 30th had not impacted their presence. And if we had such a great speed we would not have been delighted. And if ... You have been the luminescence of my life, you have been responsible for chemical reactions to ordinary temperatures in my body, bombarding electrons in my eyes and electromagnetic radiation to my soul. Even if you do not blink, you will always be that light! Almost appealing to the Algorithm "Still together?" After all, in algorithms we trust! Haha
