Pardinha Offline Send a message Notify me when online Report Cancel Hello darlings! I know I've been away for a long time, but... do we still have active followers here? 👀 9 likes 03/28/2024 Publish bruxo-do-vale of course!! I miss you my Goddess 04/01/2024 I miss you too, darling ❤️ I'll be back soon, I just need to get a little better :) 04/03/2024 umgaucho Hey, you'll come back, won't you? 11/25/2024 fm-hunter Please show up, I miss you 07/09/2024 sgdri missing here too, but waiting for you in RJ 03/29/2024 aaaa I'm not going back to RJ anytime soon, love! But in a few days I'll show up here 04/03/2024 fritzthecat2 I'm here and I miss you so much ❤️❤️❤️ 03/28/2024 what a pleasure to see you here ❤️ we'll see you on camera soon 04/03/2024 cooperblue Always, waiting for things here and anywhere. 03/28/2024 beautiful ❤️ I'll be back soon 04/03/2024 sacratus longing 03/28/2024 I miss you too ❤️ 04/03/2024
bruxo-do-vale of course!! I miss you my Goddess